Beat DNA is a music game about sequencing notes together in 8-bar sequences. You can layer sequences, combine sequences and transform them in different ways to earn points and create rhythmic music. You are a 'Sonic Cell', a machine that collects and absorbs small clips of sound to create smaller Sonic Cells that play back those sounds repeatedly in a loop. In an abstract way it is an analogy for how new cells are formed from a sequence of genes, except the 'genes' in this game are sound clips, the 'cell' is a little machine that plays those sound clips.
The Sonic cell moves around the screen grabbing other 'cells' that resemble different musical instruments; drum cells contain a snare drum sound, cymbal cells contain a cymbal sound, etc. The cells you grab are absorbed and snap into place on one of the place holder slots on your Sonic Cell's tail. The tail has 8 segments, when all 8 are occupied by a captured cell, the cells combine to form a new Sonic Cell. The new Sonic Cell will float along side the player and emit a loop of sound. The more Sonic Cells you form, the more complex the rhythms, and the more points you rack up.
The silver and purple object is your Sonic Cell with it 8-segment tail.
Green objects: drum cells, orange: hi-hat cell, silver: cymbal cell.
Sonic Cell with captured cells.
Two mini Sonic Cells have been created. Each one contains a sequence of 8 sounds that loop continuously.